please enjoy the following {again, not the most funniest but made the short list. the long list consisted of a lot of grumpy cat, several and i mean several JGL videos/ gifs and other random images that i feel would ruin my image}
portlandia. my hero.
i'm thinking of getting this and filling it with snacks. looks like easy access to my funyons and string cheese
for the classical nerd inside us all...or at least me
i know i know. everyone in the world has seen this. i started this post 3 weeks ago when it was kind of fresh-ish
i'm sorry if you find this wildly inappropriate but.. you're (secretly) welcome
after working on this i removed 5 that's right 5 additional JGL images/videos (i'll pay homage to him on another date. possibly his birthday) this one is still funny and scandal free.
my love of grumpy cat is reaching unhealthy levels
{dear blogger, your inserted link above was extremely underwhelming for the quality of entertainment it offers. shame on you)
end with grumpy cat gif.
in unrelated matters andrea from the walking dead is the worst.