Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

.thanks huluPLUS.

it's no secret. i'm not what you might call the tidiest person. i mean. i'm sanitary. i just hate hanging clothes up (one more reason why i look up to my husband - he's so clean!). however, after several of episodes of a&e's 'hoarders' things may be changing here soon. there's a somewhat massive pile of clothes next to my side of the bed and "thanks hoarders," now i'm afraid there are mice or dead cats living in it. that being said, i saw this and thought it was appropriate... and sad but somewhat true.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

great job on that thing you did

i recently returned to work after a five week european vacation and boy oh boy has the transition back been hard! i have now been back to work for two and a half weeks and there is a lot of pressure for typical end of month stuff. there have been some really... underwhelming (in terms of excitement) and overwhelming (in terms of how much work the specific project needs) work to do and i have waited until the last moment possible. well, i bought a bag of cookies and a red bull at lunch today - determined to at least make a dent on the project (surprise surprise i'm blogging from work instead) and as i was getting deeper and deeper into the project i realized that the majority of the crappy part has already been done and i thought "HEY! i remember doing this!" so, way to go me, on being kind of motivated a few weeks ago and making a good start on something that sucks!
this may seem like a random thing to be proud of  but...i have a tendency of being REALLY unmotivatable at times.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

this is why you can't have nice things america

so... you know those times when you are working so hard and have so much to do that the only thing you can do to keep your brain from going full zombie {pangs for face meat included} is to mindlessly surf the web... 

well today... this is what i found...
and it's worse than people taking pictures with iPads

this is why you cannot have nice things

baby wigs. 
for purchase.
for the low price of $30.00.
"for the girl who has everything...except hair"

{hangs head in shame}

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

only two people follow my blog.

so there it is... i'm admitting to the world that i only have two followers. that' s right. it's high school all over. two friends. at least now i don't have to make excuses for not going to dances {or at least i don't feel obligated to do so}. aaaaannnnyyyyywwwwwhhhhoooo. i feel like things are starting to pick up again. here are the highlights of the past six months:

  • i got a promotion
  • i made a pintrest account
  • mike and i watched 5 seasons of 30rock
  • mike graduated
  • we went to europe
  • ran ragnar
  • mike applied for medical school
 there it is... some awesome things and some less awesome things.

so since this post is boring. here ya go